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Meet Luigi

Published Author and Renowned Master in the Art of Napkin Folding.

Luigi's knowledge brings you Table Origami, a website dedicated to bringing you joy and fulfilment through a creative new hobby - Napkin Folding. Learn more about Luigi Spotorno at

Relaxing, Enjoyable & Creative

Table Origami, like normal origami, but bigger!

Learn some of the folds

26 Angel Fish.jpg

Angel Fish


Table Origami

Taking on from the original the original name, Origami is not just restricted as a child activity, but in his case, it can be used as part of a contemporary table setting. 


Ordinary, 3 ply and 40 com paper napkins, that is all that required and the to create the most charming designs. Impress your family and friend that with the renowned creative talent


Keep it simple for breakfast and lunch and be more ostentation on your design for dinner or if you are entertaining someone special or for a special occasion. Be a teacher and use the youngster in the family to prepare the table, they might surprise you by theirhidden creative talent.


One thing to remember that Table Origami, is an activity not purely intended entirely part of table setting but as an interesting pastime and pleasurable exercise. 


it has a certain therapeutic value as it stimulates one’s mind and is fun.


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